Student Services

Who We Are and What We Do!

Through a variety of educational programs and services, Godfrey-Lee Public Schools seeks to provide needed support for students as they prepare and progress through their general education program. This may include:

  • Special education programs and services
  • Section 504 Accommodations
  • Student support teams (SST) for academic and behavior interventions
  • Assistance to students and families through McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
  • English Language Learner services
  • Preschool opportunities nearby

Contact us: 

We know that seeking out special education programs and services can bring up a variety of questions. Our team is here to help as much as we can. Please contact us at Tambien hablamos Español. 

GLPS provides supports in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for ALL students.  If you suspect that your child is in need of special education support, contact your child's classroom teacher or principal.  A student support team meeting will be held.  It will be determined, at this meeting which level of support may be needed.

Diagnostic services are available to all children with disabilities residing in Godfrey-Lee, including children with disabilities who are homeless children or are wards of the State, and children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special education and related services.  Godfrey-Lee Public Schools must identify and evaluate all children from birth through age 25 who need early intervention services or special education services. Special education testing may include psychological, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language, and social work.

GLPS provides special education programs and services in all buildings and is a part of Region III of Kent County.  Region III is comprised of Godfrey-Lee, Byron Center, Godwin Heights, Grandville, Kelloggsville, and Wyoming Public Schools.  Sometimes students require programs and services that are offered outside of our local district.  These may be provided through a regional program.

  • Byron Center Public Schools houses the Moderately Cognitive Impaired Programs
  • Godwin Heights Public Schools and Grandville Public Schools house the Autism Programs
  • Wyoming Public Schools and Godwin Heights Public Schools house the Emotionlly Impaired Programs

In addition to local and regional programs and services some students with significant needs may require Center-based programming through Kent Intermediate School District.

Support for non-school aged students is provide through the following options: itinerant services (speech and language, social work, and/or occupational therapy) and our Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program.

For more information please contact our office.

Parent Resources

Kent ISD - Una guia de padres para navegar el proceso del IEP

Kent ISD - A Parent's Guide to Navigating the IEP Process

Parent Handbook with Procedural Safeguards

Manual para Padres de Educacion Especial con garantias procesales

Special Education Acronyms

Los acronimos de la Educacion Especial

The intent of Section 504 is to remove discrimination on the basis of disability and to ensure that students with disabilities are not denied access to educational facilities, programs, and opportunities.

Section 504 requires schools to seek out, evaluate and determine eligibility for students whose disabilities might require educational accommodations.

For a student to have a disability which may be protected under the Section 504 law, he or she must:

(1) have a mental or physical impairment, (2) which substantially limits, (3) one or more major life activities. For a student to be considered an "eligible student" under Section 504, all three criteria must be fulfilled.

If you feel your child may qualify for Section 504 accommodations, please contact your child's building principal or counselor for additional information.

Student Support Teams 

Providing support services to teachers, schools, students and families.

What is the purpose of Student Support? 

Student Support is a problem-solving process at all grade levels in Godfrey-Lee Public Schools.  Its purpose is to find ways to eliminate obstacles to learning and school adjustment, so that each student in our system experiences success in school.

Who is involved?  

Membership in the Student Support varies in each school, depending on available resources, student needs, and age of student.  Professionals, who may be involved, include the reading specialist, school administrator, social services representative, community resource coordinator, nurse, speech and language pathologist, psychologist, social worker, counselor, and teachers.  Parents are also  important members in Student Support.  The student may also be part of Student Support.

Who requests Student Support?

Student Support can be requested by school personnel, such as the teacher or administrator, a parent, or even a student.  For all students, for whom Student Support is requested, parents' permission is required, and their involvement is encouraged.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MV Act) ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The MV Act defines homelessness as lacking a “fixed, regular, and adequate” nighttime residence. Students who have lost their housing due to economic hardship or disaster are covered under the MV Act.

Students may be eligible for services if they are:

  • Living in a shelter
  • Living unsheltered (in a park, car, tent, etc.)
  • Living in a motel
  • Living in a Transitional Housing program
  • Living doubled-up with other
  • Unaccompanied homeless youth

If you believe your child may qualify for services under the MV Act, please contact your local Godfrey-Lee school or the MV Liaison: (616) 241-4722 EXT 5328. Additional information may be found at:

MV Brochure (English)

MV Brochure (Spanish)

Kent ISD Homeless Resources
MDE McKinney-Veto Homeless Information
National Center for Homeless Education

Are you or someone you know facing housing instability?

Coordinated Entry System

Vision Statement:

In the 21st century our students will be living in and contributing to a global community. All students must be able to learn and communicate with others skillfully and sensitively.


Mission Statement:

Our mission is to ensure that all students achieve the English language competence needed for academic success, and for life in a literate culture.



  • EL students will read, write, speak and understand English at grade level as measured by district core curriculum standards within a reasonable timeframe supported by current second language acquisition research.


  • EL students will achieve at grade level in all content areas as measured by district core curriculum standards.


  • EL students will achieve age appropriate sociolinguistic/cultural competence as measured by WIDA English Language Development Standards.


  • EL students will have all educational needs addressed as stated in the legal mandates of Title III, Title IC and Office of Civil Rights (OCR).


Kent ISD Link to English Learners:

English Language Learners


If you would like a copy of the EL Program Handbook for 2020-2021, please email Nancy Opacki at


Early On

Early On provides developmental evaluations and in-home early interventions for children with developmental delays or medical conditions from birth to 3-years old. If you have concerns about your child’s crawling, walking, or talking please contact Early-On of Kent County at 616-365-2310 or visit their website.

Early on Of Kent County

Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education programming is for students 3 to 5 who qualify as having a disability through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may be supported through our Early Childhood Special Education program. Godfrey-Lee has 4 half-day sessions of ECSE located at the Early Childhood Center. If you suspect your child may qualify as a student with a disability, you can call the Student Services Office at 616-241-4722 Ext. 5328 and speak to Suzan Schumacher.

Bright Beginnings

Bright Beginnings is a Parents as Teachers program which promotes the early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. Any family in Kent County with children prenatal to kindergarten entry may access this free program. Bright Beginnings includes home visits, developmental screenings, resources network, playgroups and parent meetings. To enroll in this free program contact Teresa Gastaldi (Parent Educator) at 616-447-3097 or email or visit their website.

Great Start Readiness Preschool

Great Start Readiness Preschool is a free preschool for four-year-olds in Kent County. Children must be 4 on or before September 1, to qualify for the school year. If you are interested to see if your child qualifies for GSRP please call the GSRP hotline at (616) 447-2409 or parents/caregivers can complete an online application at

Kent County Preschool Intakes Steps

Great Start Readiness Program

Head Start for Kent county

Head Start offers family-centered services at no cost to qualifying families in Kent County.  These programs are for children from birth to age five and focus on education, nutrition, medical and dental care, parent involvement and social services. Godfrey-Lee houses one session of Head Start at the Early Childhood Center.  If you are interested in learning more, please call the Head Start office at (616) 453-4145 or visit their website.

Head Start for Kent County

Jaime Bellant

Special Education Supervisor

Meghan Deckinga

Student Services Success Coordinator